The Board of Directors meets on the second Tuesday of every other month beginning in February. Meetings are generally scheduled from 5:45-6:45pm.
President: Bianca Castro
Vice-president: Darcie Fraembs
Treasurer: Jenna DerrGuitar
Secretary: Monica Eason
Member-at-large: Victoria Gier
Member-at-large: Michelle Smith
Member-at-large: Jazmin Buchman
Member-at-large: Dominic Vigil
Member-at-large: Mike DerrGuitar
Member-at-large: Christian Nieves
Member-at-large: Hunter Campbell
Member-at-large: VACANT
Jr. Member-at-large: Delaney Sivils
Jr. Member-at-large: VACANT
Ex-Officio Member: Kelly King
Executive Director: Sue Rexroth
Artistic Director: Luis Castro
Show Coordinator: Ann Marie Vasquez
For the convenience of our members, these are the most current bylaws for A Children's Theatre of the Mesilla Valley, Inc., with a suggested revision to reflect the current needs of the organization. Updates will be posted as revisions are completed.
Annual General Membership Board Meeting-October 15th, 2024 at 5:45pm.
-101 N. Alameda Blvd.-